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L.C.A.C.E. Club Historian                            Health

              History Report, 2019-01-12                           Don’t Just Sit There!

             By Les Larkin
    <>         By  Keith  Connes,  Member,  The  Computer
             Our January meeting was conducted by Phil Bock.
                                                                  Club, FL
             Old  Business  concerned  the  Holiday  Party,       July 2018 issue, The Journal of The Computer
             and New Business was about meeting sched-            Club, Inc.
             ule options and programs.                  

             Fred Barnett won the door prize. He selected         diane (at)
             a hardware financial tool (money clip). Linda
             Koudelka won $8.00 in the 50/50 raffle. Con-
             gratulations to our winners!                         “Oh,  my  aching  back!”  Not  a  very  original
                                                                  thought, but that’s what used to go through my
             Linda  Busch  made  the  coffee,  and  she  and      mind every time I would get up from my office
             Liz Barnett provided munchables for us.              chair  after  a  long  session  at  the  computer.
                                                                  Note that I said used to. Not anymore. Under-
             This month's presentation was Show and Tell,         stand, I’ve had chronic low back pain for dec-
             and there were plenty of new gadgets shown           ades and I don’t expect ever to be totally free
             off by their proud new owners. DeBorah Sirilla       of it. But that special ouch that comes from a
             showed us her Ring Doorbell security system.         lengthy computer session became history the
             Phil Bock brought his new Logitech keyboard          day  I  began  to  use  a  standing  desk.  That’s
             and  mouse.  Linda  Koudelka  demonstrated           right, literally the very day I changed my work
             her new iPhone. J.J. showed us a wide array          habit at the computer.
             of  new  electronics.  I,  Les  Larkin,  showed
             some new circuit boards for my home media            A standing desk is a collapsible desk that you
             center for recording over-the-air TV, and vari-      set  on  top  of  your  existing  desk.  You  place
             ous (mostly older) media, to newer formats. I        your  monitor  and  keyboard  (or  laptop)  on  it,
             also mentioned a new free streaming service,         along with your mouse and other work-related
                                      equipment.  Then  you  raise  the  entire  work
                                                                  surface  to  a  height  that  allows  you  to  stand
             Another great meeting, and I hope to see you         and  type  comfortably  –  or  dictate,  if  you  use
             at our February 9 meeting.                           speech recognition software, as I do.

             Computers are magnificent tools for the realization
             of our dreams, but no machine can replace the hu-    The manually operated standing desks gener-
             man spark of spirit, compassion, love, and under-    ally have a hydraulic piston that enables them
             standing.                                            to be raised quite easily. Electrically powered
                                                                  models are also available.
             Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.

             Read more at:
             quotes/louis_v_gerstner_jr_130528                                                       (Continued on page 8)

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