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President’s Message                                  You can go to Google Account Help screen,
                                                                  Google My Activity -→ Activity Controls, which
                                                                  gives a page with options for turning features

             By Jeff Wilkinson, President, Sun City Summerlin     on or off. Google claims to use this infor-
             Computer Club, NV                                    mation to personalize and enhance your ex-
                                                                  perience across all of Google Services.
             September 2018 issue, The Gigabyte Gazette
                                                                  I don’t recall agreeing to all these tracking ser-
                                                                  vices when I installed Chrome, but I may
             pres.scscc (at)                            have, or, as I suspect, the default setting is

             Computer Club and Friends:                           on. But Google still is able to track you
                                                                  through your use of Google Maps, weather
             At the Computer Club’s weekly Kaffee Klatch          updates, or Google searches.
             session, longtime member Captain Jack (Jack
             Spargo) brought up an interesting, and to            If you Pause Web and App Activity, Google
             many, unknown feature of the Android mobile          lets you know that you “…. may limit or disa-
             operating system.                                    ble more personalized experiences across
                                                                  Google services.” Even when paused, Google
             Apparently when logged in on an Android de-          may temporarily use recent search infor-
             vice, iPhone, or iPad device, Google tracks          mation ostensibly to improve the quality of
             your GPS coordinates, nearby Wi-Fi networks,         your search experience.
             barometric pressure, and even takes a guess
             at your current activity. Jack recounted how he
             had discovered, somewhat by accident, that a
             recent trip to Canada was tracked, complete
             with stops and locations annotated.

             So, after the meeting, I went home and took a
             look at my own activity, as obtained from my
             Samsung Galaxy S7 phone. Low and behold,
             there was a recent trip to the Bay Area com-
             plete with all my stops in Sunnyvale, San Jo-
             se, and San Francisco.

             Location History, while not turned on by de-
             fault, is part of Google Maps, Photos, Google
             Assistant, and the Google Chrome browser.
             And you can opt out of location history, alt-
             hough it is a number of screens deep in the          While not all bad, this location tracking does
             phone’s settings for the Google App. Look for        allow targeted advertising and more precise
             Data and Personalization tabs.                       directions or responses to inquiries looking for

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