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Phil’s Ramblings

            H                                                   they can game search engines so that their web-

                        appy Groundhog Day!  My name-
                                                                site shows up on the first page or two of search
                                                                results – even though the person initiating the
                        sake, Punxsutawney Phil,
                        emerged from his burrow this
            morning to a cloudy sky.  As legend has it,         search was looking for an unbiased discussion
                                                                or explanation of a particular topic.  In other cas-
            because Phil did not see his shadow we will         es, organizations or individuals can purchase
            have an early spring.  (Unfortunately, this         advertising from a website provider, which can
            legend has a checkered history – so I would-        move their website up on related search results.
            n’t get out the spring and summer clothes           One such example was highlighted in an online
            just yet.)
                                                                Guardian article this week entitled, “How Face-
            On a more serious note, I’ve been reading           book and YouTube help spread anti-vaxxer
            more and more articles about how we are             propaganda”.  As explained in the article,
            being manipulated and/or taken advantage of         searchers on those websites who were looking
            – and how the techniques behind these initia-       for general information about vaccinations re-
            tives continue to be perfected.                     ceived more anti-vaccination results than they
                                                                did for the positive vaccination information they
            History is filled with examples of manipula-
            tion, so this is nothing new. The term, “Snake      were looking for.
            Oil Salesman” has been around for a long            Meanwhile, Russia and other “State Actors” are
            time, denoting someone who was selling a            becoming more and more adept at using social
            useless (or even potentially dangerous) prod-       media to misinform and confuse citizens of other
            uct to gullible consumers.  But these efforts       countries in ways that are beneficial to the per-
            were fairly transparent.  We could identify         petrator.  The first big example was the Brexit
            who the huckster was, whether we suc-               vote in Britain, then followed by interference in
            cumbed to his sales pitch or not.                   our 2016 elections.  Now, a recent Atlantic arti-

            Thanks to the many ways in which someone            cle reports that Russians are working behind the
            can disguise himself on the Internet, it can be     scenes to discredit and disrupt the Mueller in-
            difficult to determine who, or which organiza-      vestigation, using our own U.S. courts (and a
            tion, is behind a particular campaign or story.     domestic law firm) in the process.  You can read
            Moreover, it can be difficult to determine the      more here:
            motivation behind what is being presented.          archive/2019/02/new-mueller-filing-shows-how-
            Organizations with very specific agendas can        russia-misuses-us-courts/581884/.
            disguise themselves with innocuous-                 It’s bad enough that individuals try to take ad-
            sounding names.  (This has led to the deri-         vantage of us by soliciting donations for phony
            sive nickname, “Astro-Turf” for supposed            charities, or by trying to sell us sub-standard or
            “Grass Roots” organizations that are actually       non-existent products or investments.  But the
            created and funded by shadow groups to              scope of these recent initiatives extends to large
            promote their agendas.)                             groups of people, with potential major long-term

            The Internet can offer significant anonymity        consequences.
            to such groups and individuals.  Moreover,                                               (Continued on page 4)

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