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             Happy New Tech Year

             President's Corner

             By Greg Skalka, President, Under the Computer Hood UG, CA
             January 2019 issue, Drive Light

             president (at)
                                                              Another New Year is upon us. As we start 2019,
                                                              I wonder what new technology we will see this
                                                              year, and how it will affect our lives. It seems we
                                                              can’t swing a corded mouse (better for our times
                                                              than  a  dead  cat)  without  hitting  some  piece  of
                                                              technology in our lives. So many things we take
                                                              for  granted  today  were  not  around  20  years
                                                              ago,  or even  10.  Smart phones,  smart homes,
                                                              smart cars, smart TVs - everything is becoming
                                                              smart through technology. How did we ever sur-
                                                              vive with only dumb stuff around us?

             We have just concluded another busy holiday shopping season. Remember when that meant
             spending  the  month  of  December  in  the  shopping  malls,  standing  in  long  lines?    Now  with
             online shopping (especially and all the tech that enables it, we can do all our
             shopping from home. With our smart phones, we can even shop while on the go. This trend
             has resulted in big changes in our behaviors, as well as in our local and global economics.
             Brick and mortar chains that were once the powerhouses of commerce, like Sears, are shrink-
             ing or going out of business. Almost all businesses fear Amazon, as it has transformed the
             shopping experience in many categories. How will Amazon next change our lives?
             The concept of two-day delivery of products used to be exceptional and/or expensive, but now
             it is commonplace (and the default for all those Amazon Prime subscribers). Will 2019 finally
             be the year that Amazon makes good on their plans to deliver products the same day using

                                                                                                   (Continued on page 4)
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