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Phil’s Ramblings
On the tech front, I’m starting to see more and
Hello, everyone! It has finally stopped rain- more reminders that Microsoft is scheduled to
ing (at least temporarily) and its nice to see stop support for Windows 7 on January 14,
the sun again! Maybe spring is finally 2020 – approximately eight months from now.
here….. If you have a computer running Win 7, it will
continue to work after that date but you will not
As a reminder, it’s time to renew your LCA- receive any further security updates from Mi-
CE membership. For those who have al- crosoft. Thus, the longer you continue to use
ready done so, thank you! For those who that computer to connect to the Internet after
have not, please see Judy or J.J. at our next 1/14/2020, the more at-risk you will be for a
LCACE meeting; they will be happy to ac- malware attack.
commodate you.
You have several options. First, if your comput-
DeBorah recently raised some VPN ques- er meets the hardware criteria for Windows 10,
tions to members via our LCACE Google you can upgrade your operating system to Win
Groups email set-up. David Carlson report- 10. While Microsoft will be happy to sell you a
ed that he is setting up his own personal brand-new copy of Win 10, there may still be
VPN and hopes to be ready to share his ex- ways by which you can upgrade at no charge.
periences with our members in a couple of If this is an option that appeals to you, search
months. I also responded, providing links to the Internet for “free Windows 10 upgrade”. Al-
various VPN information sources. If any of so, although I have not read anything to this ef-
you wish to learn more about VPNs and did fect, I do wonder whether Microsoft may once
not read those group emails, you may wish again offer free upgrades as a goodwill gesture
to look at them for helpful links. If there is before the Windows 7 cutoff. (After all, there
enough interest, we will plan to schedule a are almost as many people worldwide still run-
VPN presentation / discussion at one of our ning Win 7 as there are people running Win
monthly meetings in late summer or early 10.)
fall. Please let Linda Rolfing
( or me Second, you can use this deadline as justifica-
( know if you would be tion (to yourself, spouse, significant other(s)) to
interested in such a program. go out and buy a new computer with Windows
10 preinstalled. (This may be the default option
Speaking of programs, our May 11th meeting if your current PC will not run Windows 10.)
will feature Les Larkin with an updated re- However, as you consider this choice keep in
view of email providers, choices and related mind that Wi-Fi 6 (or 802.11ax) is scheduled to
activities. Our June meeting will be on the be released in 2019. If your present computer
third Saturday of the month, June 15 . The is new, it may have 802.11ac connectivity built-
program will be a combination of “show ‘n in; older computers are more likely to have
tell” and “ask the Guru”. Please plan to join 802.11n or even 802.11b connectivity. As you
us and bring along any new tech items that might surmise, each version allows faster Wi-Fi
you care to share with us, along with tech connectivity than the previous one. So, in a
questions that you would like some answers perfect world, you should wait until PCs with the
for. Our annual picnic will be on the second newest Wi-Fi 6 capability built-in hit the market
Saturday of July (7/13) at State Bank of the before you buy a new PC. Otherwise, you
Lakes, Grayslake. More info and sign-up will would have to purchase a separate Wi-Fi 6
take place at our May and June meetings.
(Continued on page 4)