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Home routers are open to attacks, as Huawei

             'backdoor' shows.

            Fox  News,  4  May  2019:  Earlier  this  week,       Internet security firm, told Fox News in a state-
            Bloomberg reported that home routers supplied         ment.  Jones  said  routers  from  D-Link,  Cisco/
            by  Chinese  electronics  giant  Huawei  to  UK-      Linksys/Netgear, TP-Link, Zyxel and other
            based  Vodafone  possessed  a  backdoor.  At  a       well-known  brands  have  all  been  found  to
            high level, this is a U.S. national security prob-    have backdoors. "So there's no need for con-
            lem.  The  Trump  administration,  including  the     sumers to be any more worried about Huawei
            FBI  and  Department  of  Homeland  Security,         routers than any others," he added. Avast sug-
            has  repeatedly  been  saying  at  public  forums     gest  steps  such  as  installing  your  router  in  a
            that  Huawei's  equipment  is  a  vehicle  for  Chi-  safe place "where the wireless signal is availa-
            nese  government  espionage.  Most  recently,         ble only inside your own house. Avoid placing
            the  U.S.  is  advising  against  the  adoption  of   it near a window." Other suggestions include:
            Huawei 5G hardware for the next generation of         turn off the older WPS security setting and turn
            mobile  networks.  But  the  vulnerability  also      on  WPA2  encryption,  change  the  default  ad-
            points to a problem closer to home. Backdoors         min username and password to a strong pass-
            can  allow  hackers  to  break  into  your  home      word, upgrade your router firmware, don't' for-
            router  and  get  into  any  connected  device  in    get  to  log  out  after  managing  the  router  and
            your  home.  The  problem  lies  in  old  firmware,   disable remote management of the router over
            default passwords, and a host of other configu-       the internet.
            ration  issues.    After  a  hacker  breaches  the    ===================================
            they  typically  target  the  software  that  controls  Ready for a new
            router's Wi-Fi security and login page, then

            the  router,  the  so-called  firmware.  Then,  in  a
            process known as "rootkitting," a hacker drops        iPad
            custom,  malicious  firmware  into  the  router.
            "Depending on the goals and resources of              By Jasmine D’Katz
            an attacker, this can include spying on the user
            and any connected devices [and] injecting mal-        Apple had just announced two new iPad to be
            ware into the browser to exploit connected de-        released  at  the  end  of  March.  The  iPad  Air
            vices".  "The  'backdoor'  that  Bloomberg  refers    with  a  10.5-inch  Retina  display  will  start  at
            to  is  Telnet,  a  protocol  commonly  used  by      $499. It will have the same A10 Bionic proces-
            many  vendors  in  the  industry  for  performing     sor  as  in  the  iPhone  XS,  The  iPad  Mini  for
            diagnostic  functions.  It  would  not  have  been    $399 and will replace the iPad Mini 4 but basi-
            accessible  from  the  internet,"  the  spokesper-    cally has the same design.
            son added. "In our experience, backdoors are          The iPad  Air display resolution (2,224X1,669-
            very  often  found  on  home  routers,  regardless    pixel) and unlike the one announced in Octo-
            of  the  vendor,"  Jimmy  Jones,  Telecom  Busi-      ber, it will support the Apple Pencil. It will be
            ness  Unit  Lead  at  Positive  Technologies,  an
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