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(Continued from page 4)                                     memory stick to create an image of the
                                                                         system disk on the external one.
             Although  it  can  be  very  time-consuming,  you       ·  If the hardware is good, use the restora-
             can attempt to clean up the file system. This               tion partition to return the PC file system
             means  removing  malware,  pop-ups,  spurious               to its state at purchase time. (In the un-
             menu  bars,  and  the  like.  It  may  also  require        likely  case  that  the  owner  has  a  valid
             disabling  programs  that  launch  at  boot  time,          Windows  installation  disk,  you  don’t
             and perhaps editing the registry. This is likely            need a restoration partition.)
             to be frustrating as the owner still has the bad
             habits  that  caused  these  problems,  meaning         ·  If  the  hardware  has  failed,  the  owner
             the will most likely recur.                                 can decide whether to have the PC re-
                                                                         paired or replace it. After this, do what

                                                                         you  can  to  restore  the  data  you  have
             Before  you  agree  to  anything,  try  to  find  out       saved, but make it clear that some may
             how the problem began. Did they install hard-               be lost.
             ware  or  software?  Did  they  see  a  pop-up  or      ·  Be  sure  the  owner  understands  that  a
             get a phone call or message advising them of                new PC or a clean install of the operat-
             a problem? Did they visit a new website? Did                ing  system  means  any  applications  in-
             they delete files or directories by mistake? Did            stalled after purchase will be lost unless
             the  symptoms  appear  suddenly  of  build  over            he  or  she  has  their  original  installation
             time?  You  are  trying  to  discover whether the           disks.
             problem  resulted  from  hardware  failure,  soft-
             ware failure, malware, or operator error.               ·  The  last  option  is  to  attempt  a  repair.
                                                                         However,  before  you  jump  into  this  tar

                                                                         pit, be sure the owner understands and
             If you have decided to help, this is what I rec-            accepts the risks. He or she should pur-
             ommend. (Most likely you’ll modify these steps              chase  the  parts,  with  your  advice  of
             to fit  your own  experience and tools.) Before             course. Be sure to make clear that you
             you begin, be sure the user understands that                are  amateur  in  unfamiliar  territory  and
             you are an amateur, and that you can’t guar-                that success is not assured. For exam-
             antee success.                                              ple, if the disk has failed because of a
                                                                         faulty  power  supply,  its  replacement
                ·  For  a  casual  friend,  find  out  what  you
                    can over the phone and recommend a                   may  be  damaged  immediately.  Who
                    shop.                                                pays?

                ·  If you decide to get more involved, go
                    to  the  house  with  a  diagnostic  USB      This is not to say you shouldn’t try to help, but
                    memory  stick  and  check  the  hardware      it would be prudent to think about your possi-
                    and  file  system.  Write  down  what  you    ble approaches as well as the risks before you
                    find and recommend a shop.                    get  the  phone  call.  You  don’t  want  to  disap-
                                                                  point a friend or cause them to lose money.
                ·  If  this is  a  very  good  friend or a  close
                    relative, tell them not to use the PC un-     ===================================
                    til you can image their PC’s disk. (If you
                    don’t have a spare USB hard disk they
                    will  have  to  purchase  one  for  the  pur-
                    pose.)  Then  use  your  diagnostic

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