Page 8 - 1905
P. 8

(Continued from page 7)

                                                                  In this video there are three levels: the back-
                                                                  ground image, the layer with the text and the
            The instructor starts a new project by creating
            a new image from the file tab at the top. He          layer with the oval drawn on it.
            shows how to scale it down (resize it) and add
            a background color.
                                                                  When you are done, its time to export the cre-
                                                                  ated image by going to the File tab and click-
                                                                  ing on Export As and exporting the image in
                                              Gimp works
                                              with layers,        the file type you want, png or jpg being the
                                              which is a new      most popular. Even though you work with each
                                              concept for         level separately in Gimp, they become one im-
                                              me. Changes         age upon exporting.
                                              are made on
                                              individual lay-     If you choose the Save As option in the File
                                              ers which be-       tab and also save the image as an .xcf file
                                              come part of        type, you can retrieve and work on the image
                                              the whole ex-       later and make changes in the different layers.
                                              ported image        It seems to me to be a good idea to also save
                                              at the end. If a    an .xcf file.
            change has to be made, you can go back to
            that particular layer which has what you want
            to change. You create a new layer from the            So there you have it, a very good, basic begin-
            right layer window. The video shows how to            ners video introduction to Gimp. There are oth-
            create text in a new layer by going to the            er You Tube videos you can find by searching
            toolbox, selecting the text tool, then selecting a    for Gimp that will show you how to do specific
            different text color and changing the text size.      things, such as rounding corners in a photo. If
            It shows how to use the move tool to move the         you’ve ever wanted to do photo editing, but
            text anywhere in that layer.                          hesitated because of the cost of Photoshop,

                                                                  this Gimp tutorial is just what you may need.

            If you don’t like what you produced, you can
            go back to a previous step or steps by going to
            the Edit tab at the top and choosing Undo
            Move Text Layer which will undo the last oper-
            ation or using the shortcut, ctrl z, until you get
            back to the step you want.

            The instructor creates an oval in a new, sec-
            ond layer, by selecting an ellipse tool from the
            tool box; other options are the rectangle tool or
            circle tool. He also shows how to use the blend
            tool in the background to show a color vari-
            ance in the background.

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