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be able to recover deleted and damaged files,
            (Continued from page 3)
                                                                  directories, and partitions, should that be nec-
            adapter  to  take  advantage  of  the  increased      essary. If the problem PC is dead, you will of
            connection speeds associated with the new Wi          course have to remove its hard disk and install
            -Fi version.                                          it in a good computer to clone it.

            Third, you could use this event as the catalyst
            to finally cut the Microsoft cord, and switch to
            an  Apple  or  Chromecast  computer.    This          Before you try to diagnose the problem, recog-
            would require learning a new operating system         nize  that  you  may  not  be  able  to  trust  either
            and  would  still  pose  the  Wi-Fi  6  issue  that  I   the  hardware  or  software  in  the  problem  PC.
            mentioned above.  But, if this is something you       My preference is to use a USB memory stick
            have been fantasizing about, it is worth think-       with  a  bootable  diagnostic  operating  system,
            ing through before you go out and buy another
            Windows PC.                                           such as PartedMagic, which has tools to check
                                                                  hardware, recover files, and test for malware.
            In any event, the good news is that we have 8         (See  my  articles  in  June,  July,  and  August,
            months  in  which  to  stay  abreast  of  the  latest   2012 on file recovery, in April 2012 and Febru-
            Win 7 news and think through what we will do
            to ensure we still have safe, efficient connec-       ary 2017 on PartedMagic, in May 2015 on the
            tivity to the Internet after 1/14/2020.               Trinity  Rescue  Kit,  and  in  June  2015  on  the
                                                                  SystemRescueCD,          all     available      at
                                                          Whichever  diagnostic  tool

             ===================================                  you use, become familiar with it on  your own
                                                                  PC  before  trying  it  on  one  with  which  you
            (Continued from page 1)
                                                                  aren’t familiar.
            you’ve mucked about with their PC, they may
            suspect that any subsequent troubles are your         If  you save the user’s files you should check
            fault.                                                them for malware before reinstalling them on a
                                                                  repaired or new PC. Take the clone disk home
                                                                  and  run  a  thorough  malware  check.  (Parted
            Finally,  because  you  are  working  in  an  unfa-
            miliar  environment,  you  will  probably  be         Magic,  in  particular,  has  the  relatively  weak
            spending many hours, even if you aren’t suc-          ClamAV,  which  checks  only  and  doesn’t  re-
            cessful. Repairing someone else’s PC is usu-          pair. If you use Windows, you most likely have
            ally a lose-lose situation. If you fail, you lose a   far  better  software  on  your  machine.)  Once
                                                                  you have cloned a disk, you can use Parted-
            friend, and if you succeed you’ll most likely be
            asked to do it again. The bad habits and poor         Magic’s tools, or those of a similar system, to
                                                                  recover damaged files. If, as is likely, the prob-
            maintenance  that  led  the  initial  problem  are
            still present.                                        lem  PC  runs  Windows,  some  user  data  (for
                                                                  example, Internet favorites and e-mail) may be
                                                                  stored in the system area. The locations vary
            If you decide to help, what are some reasona-         with  the  version  and  restoring  them  in  a  new
            ble actions? Your first concern, of course, is to     system may be difficult. Before spending a lot
            safeguard  the  owner’s  information,  which          of time, ask the owner if they really need to re-
            means cloning the entire disk (or disks) to an        cover these.
            external  drive,  which  can  take  several  hours.
            Note that this means you copy every byte, not                                            (Continued on page 5)
            just  the  complete  files.  By  doing  so  you  may

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