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September 2019                    “Members Helping Members”                               Volume 36 Issue 05

                    Honor Flight #16

                                                    The entire idea of Honor Flight is to give veterans a WEL-
                                                    COME  HOME  like  they  never  had  when  returning  from
                                                    their war(s).  It is awesome.

                                                    My Dad took the Chicago Honor Flight August 2010.  (The
                                                    Honor Flight is an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C.
                                                    to  see  all  the  war  memorials  and  some  of  the  sights.).
                                                    There was no Lake County Honor Flight back then which
                                                    is really a shame.  We had to have Dad and Roger (Dad
                                                    and his brother Jim’s Guardian) at Midway Airport by 4:30
                                                    a.m.  That wasn’t the worst part.  The Flight was done all in
                                                    ONE  day.    The  trip  was  an  all  day,  one  day  only  event.
                                                    That meant two trips to Midway and back.  Not fun for any-

                                                    Dad’s  plane  was  scheduled  to  arrive  at  9:30  p.m.,  but
                                                    weather conditions meant they didn’t get in until 11:30 p.m.
                                                    Waaayyyyy toooo long a day for any one, let alone veter-
                                                    ans all in their 80’s.  Those guys were some very tired, but
                                                    very happy veterans.
        Dad  didn’t  stop  talking  about  the  Honor    Flight
        until the day he died.

        Now,  it’s  nine  years later and  J.J.  is  scheduled
        for his Honor Flight.  It seemed to me he was a
        little  skeptical  about  the  whole  thing,  but  was
        thrilled that he would get to spend some quality
        time with his daughter Gina.

        There  have  been  many  improvements  in  the
        Honor  Flight  since  Dad’s  experience.    Lake
        County  Honor  Flight  is  a  two-day  trip  which
        makes really good sense for the old guys.  They fly out early on Saturday morning from Milwaukee

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 5)

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