Page 10 - 2001
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Both corporate researchers and self-trained hob- Continued
byists played crucial roles in the invention of the
personal computer. Robert Noyce, Gordon
Moore and Andy Grove used their doctoral train-
ing in physics and chemistry to found Intel, a
leading manufacturer of integrated circuits. Alan HOW TO MAKE THE SWITCH FROM WIN-
Kay and others at Xerox advanced computer DOWS TO LINUX – If you don’t want to upgrade
graphics, networking, and printing. The Home- from Windows 7 or are sick of Windows 10, read
brew Computer Club in Menlo Park, California, this PC Mag article on how to finally make the
gave hobbyists a place to share knowledge. switch to Linux and install apps. http://
Homebrew members Steve Jobs and Steve
Wozniak founded Apple Computer after demon-
strating their Apple I kit at the club. SENDING PHOTOS VIA EMAIL – Gmail will al-
low you to attach up to 25MB per Gmail mes-
sage. An 8 x 10 high res photo would be about 7
Early computers were big and expensive and MB. If the files are larger than that, Gmail will
required technically trained specialists to run automatically upload to Google Drive and share
them. Not surprisingly, only universities, big a link to the images in the message instead.
businesses, and government agencies had ac- Read more at this Cyn Mackley Tech Tip: http://
cess to these behemoths. In the 1970s and ‘80s,
Silicon Valley inventors changed the face of
computing with the first “personal computers” SHARE PHOTOS WITH GOOGLE DRIVE –
small enough to fit on a desk. They created rev- Learn to share your photos with Google Drive.
olutionary features that we take for granted to- Read Cyn Mackley’s Tech Tip here: http://
day — a hand-held input device called a mouse,
a graphical user interface with overlapping
“windows,” and clickable pictures called “icons”
— and made computers less expensive and SHARE PHOTOS WITH GOOGLE PHOTOS –
more “user-friendly.” Cyn Mackley’s Tech Tip will show you how easy
it is to share them using Google Photos. http://
Douglas Engelbart and his colleagues at the
Stanford Research Institute were pioneers in the HOW TO CLEAN A COMPUTER SCREEN SAFELY
field of “human - computer interaction.” In 1964, AND EASILY – Can you read this line? Or is there a
they built a hand-held pointing device to manipu- splash from a sneeze, or a greasy fingermark in the way?
late images and text on a monitor’s screen. The
prototype was a simple wooden box with two Perhaps another portion of your screen is dirty. The
perpendicular metal wheels, a selection button, chances are that you don’t clean your screen often
enough. In fact, we’re willing to bet that you’ve been put-
and a wire connection to the processor. Engel- ting it off for a while…
bart’s “mouse” was subsequently refined by re-
searchers at Xerox PARC and made popular Cleaning a computer screen isn’t as difficult as you might
with the release of the Apple Macintosh in 1984. think it is. Here’s what you need to know about how to
Engelbart later noted, “It just looked like a clean your display, what to use, and cleaning it safely.
mouse with a tail, and we called it that.”
Go to this Make Use Of web site and get the steps. Fan-
tistic Advice.