Page 6 - 2001
P. 6

(Continued from page 5)                                One feature  that  some  people  love  and  others
                                                                hate, is auto hide the taskbar. When the taskbar
         The taskbar is a great location for any shortcuts      is at  the default  bottom  of the  screen  location,
         that you use often. One way to get that shortcut       and  auto  hide  is  turned  off,  the  taskbar  is  al-
         onto the taskbar is to right-click on any shortcut     ways visible and covers up at least one line of
         icon on the desktop and choose "pin to taskbar"        information  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen. When
         from the list of options in the window that pops       auto hide is turned on, the taskbar is hidden un-
         up. Or, click on start, pick the program that you      til  you  move  the  mouse  cursor  to  the  bottom
         want  from  the  list  that  you  can  scroll  through,   edge of the screen. At that point the taskbar ris-
         right-click  on  that  program,  in  the  window  that   es to visibility. I happen to prefer that setting.
         pops  up,  left  click  on  "more"  and  on  the  sub-  One  taskbar  function  that  few  people  seem  to
         window that pops up, click on Pin to taskbar. If       be aware of, assuming "Lock the Taskbar" is not
         a  program  shortcut  icon  has  already  been         checked,  is  that  by  simply  moving  the  mouse
         pinned to the taskbar, you can "unpin it" in the       cursor to the top edge of the taskbar a double
         same procedures.
                                                                headed arrow appears. With the double headed

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 7)

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