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A very happy & healthy 2020 to you all!  I hope      gate  this  alternative  or  consider  purchasing  a
         your holidays were filled with joy…..                  new PC with Win 10 preinstalled.

         Let me start by thanking Liz Barnett for coordi-       On a positive note, 5G wireless service is mov-
         nating our Holiday Party food (and cooking deli-       ing forward across the country.  As an example,
         cious turkeys), J.J. Johnson for buying our door       T-Mobile  has  been  running  recent  TV  ads,
         and  raffle  prizes,  hosting  our  Ugly  Sweater,     claiming to be the only wireless provider offer-
         Tasting  and  Gingerbread  contests  and  helping      ing  nationwide  5G  service.    (However,  this  is
         distribute raffle prizes, Judy Dunham and Linda        somewhat misleading - as discussed below).
         Busch  for  ticket  sales  and  everyone  else  who
         bought  and/or  sold  raffle  tickets,  brought  food,   There  are  three  frequency  bands  planned  for
         helped with set-up and clean-up and otherwise          5G  wireless  service.    The  low  5G  frequency
         made our December party a success!                     band  will  offer  marginal  speed  increases  over
                                                                current  4G  LTE  networks  but  has  the  ad-
         So,  now  that  the  holidays  are  over,  what  lies   vantage of covering a much greater area than
         ahead as we move into a new decade?                    the mid or high frequency 5G bands.  It will also

         For starters, we can be sure that technology will      penetrate walls and buildings better.
         continue  to  change  –  and  that  scammers  will     (As an analogy, consider the 2.4GHz and 5GHz
         continue  to  evolve  along  with  those  changes.     frequencies  offered  by  dual-band  routers  in
         We’ll  need  to  keep  abreast  of  both  develop-     home Wi-Fi networks.  The 2.4GHz band max-
         ments,  to  benefit  from  positive  technology        es out at 450 Mbps but will cover all areas of
         changes  and  protect  ourselves  from  new  and       your  home  much  better  than  the  faster  5GHz
         different threats.                                     band that maxes out at 1,300 Mbps.)
         On a negative note for those still running Win-        T-Mobile’s  current  “nationwide”  5G  wireless
         dows 7 on their PCs, Microsoft will stop provid-       network  relies  primarily  on  the  lower  5G  fre-
         ing security updates to Windows 7 on January           quency band.  Thus, they can cover broad are-
         15 .  (MS stopped providing feature updates to         as with each antenna – and may well be using
         Win 7 some time ago.)  If PC owners continue           current  antenna  sites  with  upgraded  electron-
         to use Win 7 for Internet access after January         ics.    Their  competitors  seem  to  be  directing
         15 , they run an increasing risk of malware at-        their efforts toward the mid- and high-frequency
         tacks  directed  at  any  unpatched  software  vul-    bands, and are thus faced with erecting many
         nerabilities.    However,  the  good  news  is  that   more,  new  antennas  –  and  will  probably  be
         PCs with sufficiently robust hardware to run Win       concentrating their efforts in high-density areas.
         7 should also be able to run Win 10.  And, alt-        Hence, 5G availability on their networks is likely
         hough MS is no longer publicly offering free up-       to take a while – but is likely to be faster.
         grades  to Win  10,  there  are  work-arounds  de-     (An  added  wrinkle  in  all  this  is  that  new  cell
         scribed on the Internet that will allow you to in-
         stall and use Win 10 without having to purchase        phones will be required for 5G – and may need
                                                                to  work  with  all  three  5G  frequency  bands  if
         a stand-alone version from MS.  If you are still
         using Win 7 for Internet access, please investi-       providers  mix  &  match  frequencies  to  fit  their

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