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5G  strategy.    Stay  tuned,  but  right  now  I’m
          guessing that it will be 2021 before this technol-
          ogy is generally available in its most advanced                                       HOW TO
          Another positive for 2020 is a new project to set
          uniform  standards  for  “smart  home”  products.
          Those who have already considered (or set up)
          a  smart  home  (lights,  thermostat,  door  locks,    Jere Minich, Advisor, Region 5 (AL, FL, GA, SC)
          doorbells, cameras, etc.) have undoubtedly en-
          countered  a  mixture  of  communication  and         November 5, 2019
          control technologies – Alexa, Google Assistant,
          Bluetooth,  Wi-Fi  and  other  proprietary  opera-    HOW  TO  MAKE  CHROME  YOUR  DEFAULT
          tional / control software.  This mix of incompati-    BROWSER  –  With  a  market  share  of  64  per-
          ble devices and controls has limited the roll-out     cent on mobile devices and 67 percent for desk-
                                                                top/laptop so far in 2019, Google Chrome is the
          of these technologies and frustrated users.  As       most installed web browser used today. Here’s
          a result, a working group has been established        how  you  can  make  Chrome  your  device’s  de-
          by companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple,           fault browser.
          IKEA and Signify (formerly Philips Hue) to de-
          velop a draft specification and a preliminary ref-    In  this  guide,  we  will  show  you  how  to  set
          erence open-source implementation plan in late        Chrome  as  the  default  web  browser  on  Win-
          2020.                                                 dows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

          You  can  read  more  about  “Project  Connected      Note:  To  set  Chrome  as  your  default  browser,
          Home  Over  IP”  at  this  website:  https://         you must download and install it first. Windows
      How-to  Geek           and  macOS  can  download  it  from  Google’s
          has a more detailed discussion of this initiative     website while iOS and Android use its respect-
          at:         ed app stores.
          homes/.                                               Go to How-To Geek web page and get the pro-
                                                                cedures with screenshots.
          I  particularly  liked  this cartoon, borrowed from
          the How-To Geek article; hopefully, this will not
          be the case with this initiative!)

                                                                WHY YOU SHOULD SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE,
                                                                FACEBOOK,  OR  APPLE  –  Are you still creat-
                                                                ing  user  accounts  everywhere?  Maybe  you
                                                                should stop and sign in with your Google, Face-
                                                                book, or Apple account instead. It might just be
                                                                more secure—and it’s definitely more secure if
                                                                you’re not currently using a password manager.

                                                                Go to this How-To Geek web page and get the
                                                                excellent  advice  on  how  to  stay  secure  if  you
                                                                are  not  using  a  Password  Manager.  http://

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