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(Continued from page 6)
                                                                Windows 10 Helps

         arrow visible, a left click and hold will allow you
         to move your arrow up and increase the num-            with Vision Problems
         ber of lines that the taskbar covers, to half the
         screen if you want, or vice versa. Increasing the
         height of the taskbar allows you to have more          Author: Nancy DeMarte, 2  Vice President,
         of the larger icons that are easier to read. The       Sarasota Technology Users Group, FL
         taskbar  incorporates  a  large  number  of  func-     September 2019 issue, STUG Monitor
         tions that could make your computing life easier
         if  you  studied  up  a  bit  on  all  the  things  that  it
         can do. When you right-click on the taskbar, the       education (at)
         first  item  on  the  window  that  pops  up,  at  the
         bottom, is taskbar settings. It is recommended
         that you click on that and read all of the possi-
         ble  variations  that  the  settings  screen  allows
         you to make. In particular, the section on sys-        As we age, many of us find that our vision be-
         tem icons.                                             gins to deteriorate, making it difficult to read the
                                                                computer screen. Windows has a long history of
                                                                aiding users with this problem, but Windows 10
                                                                has increased the number of vision assistance
                                                                features and made them easier to use. This arti-
                                                                cle explores the vision tools located in the Ease
                                                                of Access Center on the Control Panel. Type
                                                                “Control” in the Windows Search box and click
                                                                Control Panel > Ease of Access Center. If you
                                                                intend to visit the Ease of Access Center often,
                                                                you can save time by pinning it to the Start
                                                                menu or Quick Access toolbar (located above
                                                                the ribbon). To do this, open the Control Panel,
                                                                then right click Ease of Access Center and click
                                                                your choice of locations.

                                                                The vision section of Ease of Access has sever-

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 8)

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