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January 2020        “Members Helping Members”                                      Volume 37, Issue 10

         Author: Bill Crowe, Director, Sarasota Technology User   There are, of course, many applications that
         Group, FL
                                                                 can do it, but one of the best is called Private
         October 2019 issue, STUG Monitor                        Photo Vault. The following is a brief introduc-
                                         tion to Private Photo Vault.
         director1 (at)                              Private Photo Vault is one of the best free ap-

         Last month I lost my wallet. Not a good day. I          plications to protect your personal photos and
         knew the last time I had used the card, and             videos by password/pattern-locking. This fea-
         from there I went straight home. They did not           ture-rich app allows easy album
         have the card at my last stop, so I had either          organization by allowing you to transfer images
         lost it on the way to the car or at home. After an      and videos from iPhone’s photo app
         extensive search, I had to go about cancelling
         and replacing all my credit cards. I had to do          to your new protected album. All you need to
         the same for all my other cards like medical            do is select photos you want to hide and
         cards, Driver’s license, Costco’s, and others.          password-protect them on your private album.
         Not a fun job. The job would have been so               Private Photo Vault has a tri-protect system.
         much easier if I had kept a record of all my            You can either hide your photos via a secure
         cards. I got to thinking that if I had taken a pic-     password system or a nifty pattern lock system.
         ture of each card (front and back), I would have        There’s also a pin lock option that lets you hide
         had them on my iPhone. That would have                  an image by entering a 4-digit pin.
         solved the problem.

         Thinking about it further, what if someone got
         my phone or was able to access my iCloud and            Of many additional features, my favorite is the
         gain access to my info? All my cards were               decoy password option. It allows users to enter
         there for the taking. I was hoping that there was       two passwords – one for general access and
         a way to lock photos on my iPhone, but Apple            another for those albums you want to really se-
         has not yet provided one. I knew there must be          cure. With a smooth interface, and simple yet
         an app for that, and ‘By Golly’ there is.               extremely secure protection option, the app is a
                                                                 good way to hide your photos on your phone.

                                                                 By the way, the end of my story is that after I
                                                                 cancelled most of my cards, I found the wallet.
                                                                 It was in about the only place in the house I
                                                                 had not turned upside down.
                                                                 See the tutorials at

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