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ed issues button, you will have the option to
         (Continued from page 1)
         The install program will open an install win-        backup registry changes. Select yes, and then
         dow that might have a check box that, if not         select Fix All Selected Issues option. It is a
         unchecked, will install other software. Watch        good idea to repeat the Scan for Issues option
         out for this. Select the Custom install option       until no issues are found.
         and select how you would like CCleaner to be

                                                              Checking the Startup Programs
                                                              CCleaner provides an option to check what
                                                              programs start running when Windows is first
                                                              started. In most cases, there are programs
                                                              that you do not want to always be running in
                                                              the background.

                                                              Select the Tools button in CCleaner, then se-
         Using CCleaner                                       lect the Startup option. Locate a program that
         There is a vertical list of options on the left      you do not want running in the background
         side of the CCleaner window. The Cleaner             and right click on Yes, then select Disable.
         option allows you to toggle different things to      Note that the Disable option does not uninstall
         be removed. For example, if you do not want          the program. It simply removes it from the list
         to remove Cookies, or browsing History, se-          of programs that run in the background.
         lect the check marks to toggle the options off.
         Near the top of the window is a button that
         has a similar list of options for other applica-

                                                              Observe that there is a Tools, Uninstall option
                                                              that can be used to uninstall programs. It can
                                                              also sometimes be used to repair programs
                                                              that have developed problems.

         If you select the Analyze button near the bot-
         tom of the CCleaner window, the program will
         go through the motions without deleting any          Updating CCleaner
         files. It will, however, give you a report of what   From time to time CCleaner will tell you that
         will be removed if you select the Run Cleaner        an update is available. When you go to the
         button.                                              update web page be careful. It will offer an
                                                              upgrade option. Note that the upgrade option
         Cleaning the Registry                                costs money, while there is a free version for
         When you select the Registry button in               updating. Scroll down the page to find the free
         CCleaner, you will see two buttons near the          update. See the download note in an earlier
         bottom of the Window; Scan for Issues and            illustration.
         Fix selected issues. After you have scanned
         for issues, you will see a list of things the sys-
         tem detected. If you then select the Fix select-

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