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Mobile Photography                                    Taking photos: Hold the Phone/Camera still
                                                               for good sharp photos. 2. Quick Access Using
         Updates for                                           the Left Swipe. 3. Manual focus by touching

         Photographers                                         the screen on the most important spot to focus
                                                               in the image. 4. AE/AF Lock. 5. Use the HOR
                                                               feature in high contrast situations. (iPhone us-
         by Jerry Hug Member of DesPlaines CC                  ers - I recommend VividHDR app as a better
                                                               solution then the built in HOR. 6. Shoot Using
         Mobile Photography in the hands of a profes-          Burst Mode to catch moving subjects. 7. Use
         sional or highly skilled amateur photographer         the Volume Buttons and your Apple Head-
         is now raking in accolades around the globe.          phones for another shutter button. Follow the
                                                               light for the best images and less editing.
                                                               (Professional Photographers can now shoot
         Dr Russell Brown from Adobe recently used             RAW files on the iPhone and edit the RAW
         only an iPhone on a trip to the Antarctica. His       images in Lightroom Mobile and then send
         images were published and exhibited by a              these images to their computer via Adobe's
         major photographic supplier of printers and           service.)
         supplies. Fine Art Photographer Tony Sweet
         sells is iPhone images at the same price as
                                                               Taking a photo of a small child or pet that
                                                               keep moving? No problem! Shoot a 10 second
                                                               video of the moving (child or pet) for iPhones
                                                               or iPads use the Vhoto app and harvest of the
                                                               best single image(s) that you want. The exam-
                                                               ple of the petdog was only edited by cropping.

                                                               Editing images in your mobile devices has
                                                               been made simple, fast and with quality tools
                                                               like Photoshop and Lightroom by using the
         those taken with his big boy Nikons. The list
         goes on.                                              free app "Snapseed". If you have a workflow
                                                               that works on your computer, do not change
                                                               your procedure for Snapseed. If you are new
         What is Mobile Photography? The use of                to photo editing, try the very basic editing tools
                                                               already in Photos on your devices.
         iPhones and other Smart cell phones, elec-
         tronic pads like the iPad where you can: 1.
         Take the photo, 2. edit the images, 3. save the
         stored the image and 4. immediately share             Snapseed will give you more powerful tools
         with the world via the internet.                      with no cost and large learning curve associat-
                                                               ed with Photos hop and Lightroom. Getting
                                                               started with Snapseed - there are built in tuto-
         How to get started? 1. Learn how to use both          rials in the app. You need WiFi for the tutori-
         the given automatic and all of the manual con-        als. There also are many free tutorial in
         trols of the camera on the mobile devices.            YouTube. (I have extensive notes and sug-
         (Just like any other camera.) There are tech-         gestions on my Speaker Notes 2017. Email
         nical skills and creativity needed as in any          me for a free copy at jerryhug@comcast. net)
         photographic venture. 2. Find out what are the
         best photo applications (apps) to use for
         shooting and editing the images. 3. Use the           Masking in Snapseed? Yes, checkout the
         cell phone camera by always having it with            YouTube Snapseed masking demo by Rad
         you and ready to use. More great images               Drew.
         were lost except for that image in our mind
         because we never had a camera ready to                Jerry Hug, APSA
         shoot. Use our editing skills in Photoshop and
         other editing software and use the same tech-
         niques with apps in the mobile devices.

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