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Phil’s Ramblings

                Last month I wrote about the increasing         Brother”  in  the  dark  as  much  as  possible.
         competition  among  digital  assistant  providers.     The  Essential  Home  is  still  in  development,
         Building  on  the  success  of  the  Amazon  Echo,     with  an  expectation  that  it  will  be  available
         Google, Apple and Lenovo have all announced            later this summer.  It will be interesting to see
         their versions.  A start-up company is working         just how successful it can be in limiting data
         hard to bring a similar device to market, Elli-Q,      transmission outside users’ homes, while still
         designed specifically for seniors.                     providing  all  the  functionality  of  its  estab-
                In  addition  to  the  products  mentioned      lished competitors.
         above, recent news includes the introduction of               On a different front, Microsoft has just
         the  Amazon  Look,  a  device  somewhat  similar       announced  Windows  10  S,  a  “lightweight”
         to their Echo designed to offer suggestions for        version  of  Windows  10  Home  designed  for
         choosing clothing.  Before the dust had settled,       the education marketplace.  Apple gained an
         Amazon  quickly  followed  up  with  another  new      early  lead  in  school  technology,  while  Mi-
         digital assistant, called the Amazon Show.  This       crosoft  went  after  the  business  market.
         is the first digital assistant that includes a cam-    Google’s  Chromebooks  have  been  making
         era and screen, thus adding a video chat capa-         inroads  in  both  markets,  however,  because
         bility to the underlying Alexa engine.  While the      of  their  simplicity,  security  and  low  cost.
         functionality  is  somewhat  similar  to  Skype,       Their approach differs from the two competi-
         each participant in an Amazon Show video con-          tors because their operating system is actual-
         versation  must  have  their  own  Amazon  Show        ly  on  Google  servers;  the  Chromebooks
         device.    (With  Skype  any  computer  or             themselves  are  similar  to  the  terminals  that
         smartphone with a webcam and display will suf-         used to be on employee desks at companies
         fice.)  Amazon Show shipments are scheduled            which operated a mainframe computer to do
         to begin late this month.                              all  the  heavy  lifting.    As  a  result,  hardware
                As I write this, I have just finished read-     requirements  for  Chromebooks  are  lesser
         ing about yet another competitor in this arena –       than  for  their  Apple  and  Microsoft  competi-
         Essential  Home.    Developed  by  Andy  Rubin,        tors, but they are just as fast (or faster) in op-
         the creator of Android, this device takes a dif-       eration.
         ferent approach.  While it is intended to provide      About three years ago Microsoft worked with
         much  the  same  functionality  as  the  Echo  and     their  manufacturing  partners  to  develop
         Google  Home,  it  goes  about  it  in  a  new  way.    “netbooks”  like  the  HP  Stream,  designed  to
         The  other devices  are  basically  two-way  com-      match  Chromebooks  in  cost  and  perfor-
         munication tools.  The user asks a question or         mance,  while  still  offering  a  full  Windows  8
         gives a command; the device forwards them to           (and  now  10)  operating  system  to  handle
         an  Amazon  or  Google  server  which  contains        many  of  the  common  application  software
         the AI engine that serves as the brain for their       offerings traditional Windows customers were
         operation.    This  provides  the  opportunity  for    used  to  on  their  larger  and  more  expensive
         Amazon and Google to accumulate a lot of in-           devices.    (More  than  one  tech  writer  back
         formation  about  your  likes,  dislikes,  interests,   then  referred  to  the  HP  Stream  as  a
         etc.  The Essential Home is being designed to          “Chromebook  Killer”.)    As  I  understand  it,
         do much of the processing right on your device,        Windows  10  S  represents  another  step  by
         minimizing  personal  information  being  passed       Microsoft in the same direction – to provide a
         up the line to the supporting servers.  Given pri-     low cost, simple-to-use computer for schools,
         vacy concerns, this new device may prove very          with minimal IT support demands.
         attractive to those who are trying to keep  “Big
                                                                                                  (Continued on page 4)

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