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The main differentiator between Windows 10 Online Safety
Home and Windows 10 S is the restriction on February Meeting Recap
which software you can install. All application By John Weigle, Editor, Channel Islands PCUG,
software you install on your Windows 10 S CA
March 2017 issue, The TOE
computer must come from the Windows Store.
Legacy software you already own will not run, jweigle (at)
nor will any new application software not from
the Windows Store. As reported, Microsoft’s Online safety was the primary topic of the February
program, with member Michael Shalkey discussing
reason for this design is to improve security the amount of personal information that's on the
and performance. Since all of their Store apps internet and many of the dangers that creates. He
are required to meet certain standards they used, which was designed for
can be screened more effectively, thereby women but has tips for everyone in its online secu-
rity guide as a general guide to dangers and solu-
minimizing malware risks. tions, and, a genealogy site, to
demonstrate the amount of information that's easy
Computers loaded with Windows 10 S will au- to find.
tomatically restrict default browser choice to The site offers a starter pack and
Microsoft Edge. While the Microsoft Store an advanced guide about possible scams, dangers
may offer other browsers that you can down- and solutions. Both are free and part of the web-
load and use on your computer, any time you site. Its introduction includes this statement:
click on a link on Windows 10 S, Edge will “Modern technology such as the internet/mobile
phones etc., has made it increasingly easy for abu-
open to take you to the targeted address. To sive partners to stalk, intimidate and threaten their
streamline browsing, add-ons and extensions targets both online and offline. The good news:
cannot be installed on the Edge browser in you can take measures to protect yourself! Assess
Windows 10 S. Bing will be the default search your risk and take back control with this guide of
best practices.”
engine, and users will not be able to switch to
a different search engine. The site emphasizes that everyone posts all kinds
of information on social media, opens accounts of
Because of the various design features and many kinds, logs in to sites, and have apps on our
computers or smart phones that have information
restrictions mentioned above, computers run- we seldom think about, such as Wi-Fi signals and
ning Windows 10 S should boot and run faster GPS locations, websites we've visited and pictures
than comparable devices running Windows 10 we post. It also suggests considering how your
Home or Pro. If that sounds intriguing to you children's posts might affect your privacy. Are they
posting their addresses, schools, activities, and
and you are wondering about upgrading to this places they like to visit? General recommenda-
new OS, too bad. Windows 10 S will only be tions:
available pre-installed on new computers, not
as a free-standing OS purchase. • Use a strong password — at least 15 char-
acters, upper and lower case letters, and
I’m not clear about the fate of Windows Home numbers and symbols.
in this new Microsoft world; it was not men- • Don’t use the same password on many
tioned in the article I read. However, if you do sites.
purchase a computer preloaded with Windows • Don’t let your browser save your pass-
10 S and find the associated restrictions bur- words.
densome, you will apparently be able to up- • Think passphrase instead of password.
grade to Windows 10 Pro for a $49 fee. • Use a password manager and change your
passwords periodically.
Stay tuned; more to follow…… • Use two-factor authentication.
Enjoy the summer! (Continued on page 10)