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May 2017 Winners

                    Trivia Winner                      50/50 Winner                Door Prizes Winner
                   Linda Bush                      David Carlson                 Bobby Jacobs

                                 WHATEVER YOU                  times find ways to smuggle malware
                                 DO, DON’T                     through official apps and circumvent Goog-
                                 DOWNLOAD                      le’s screening process.
                                 THESE APPS –                  Two Google Play apps that appear to be in-
                                 THEY’RE HIDING                nocent games were discovered to be hiding
                                 MALWARE!                      pesky malware and you should delete them
                                                               immediately. Read more about these apps
                                                               in the 5/31/17 Kim Komando article (link be-
                                                               low). Don’t forget to click on the massive Ju-
          Do you play games? How about your grand-             dy malware campaign link in the article to
         kids? Usually, Google’s official Play Store is        see more games with malware. (I think I’m
         the safest source for Android apps but as evi-        going to change my first name Judy Taylour
         denced by the recent massive Judy malware
         campaign, unscrupulous developers some-     

                                                    CUT HERE

                                           Question Of the month

          Which doctor served as a sniper in                  Be the first to submit the correct answer at the
                                                              January meeting and win a prize.
          the Israeli Defense Force?
             •  Dr. Oz                                        Name: _________________________________

             •  Dr. Ruth
                                                              Answer: _______________________________
             •  Dr. Phil
             •  Dr. Dre
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