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May 20, 2017
                                                               Membership Chairperson
                               05/20/17 Meeting
                                  by Les Larkin                Members: 62

                                    Meeting Attendee: 18

                                                               Meeting Attendee: 31%

              Our May meeting was conducted by
              Phil                                  Bock.      THANKS FOR JOINING

              The  door  prize  was  won  by  Bobby            None
              Jacobs.    She  selected  the  Stylus  &
              LASER                                pointer.
                                                               THANKS FOR RENEWING
              David  Carlson  won  the  50/50  raffle,
              the  club  and  David  each  receiving
              $10.00.    Congratulations  to  all  win-        Garald Straw
              ners!                                            David & Diane Carlson
                                                               Gary Quarnstrom
              Thanks  to  Linda  Busch  for  making
              the coffee, and to Linda and Liz Bar-            Michael Andrews
              nett  who  provideid  munchables  for
              us.                                              THANKS FOR VISITING

              This  month's  program  was  "Home
              Automation  with  Internet  of  Things"          None
              by Mike Andrews.   This is rally cool
              stuff, especially if you are away from           Winners:
              home,  and  you  forgot  to  do  some-
              thing,  like  close  some  windows.
                                                               Trivia: Linda Busch
              Another great meeting, and I hope to             50/50: David Carlson
              see  you  at  our  June  10  meeting.
                                                               Door Prize: Bobby Jacobs

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