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What’s new in my Toy Box?

                                                                SanDisk Extreme Portable SSD

                    Library Activities

         Most programs are free and open to the public, alt-
         hough registration is required. For a full schedule,
         more information or to register for activities contact   By Jasmine Blue D’Katz
         the libraries web sites.
                                                                I wrote an article several months ago about the new SSD
         Cook Memorial Public Library District                  storage devices SanDisk has produced, well, and I just

         Studio Workshop:                                       purchased my second one. This time I went with the 1TB
         Photo and Image Conversion. Attendees will learn       Portable SSD because I need more as a videographer and
         how to scan photos 35mm negatives and slides to        photographer, I create rather large files during some of
         convert them into digital images.                      my projects. I felt that I would stick with something that
                                                                I’ve found to be reliable. The 500TB SSD is now my back-
         VHS Video Conversion – This 30-minute workshop
         show you hot to use Elgato Video Capture to con-       up for personnel file, photos, memorabilia, and data
         vert VHS VHS-C and Mini DV tapes to digital video      which I will archive and keep in my safe.
         format that can be stored on a computer, hard drive,   I’ve been a longtime advocate for SanDisk products, es-
         DVD or online.
                                                                pecially SD card which I use in my photo and video cam-
         Audio Cassette Conversion – The 30-minute              eras. They have been very reliable over the years and
         workshop shows you how to digitize audio cassets       give me fast data transfer. Besides reliability, it comes
         taps into digital MP3 files using their TEAC AD-800    down to speed, convenience and value-added extras. If
                                                                you are looking for a cheap Portable SSD, then you might
         Lake Forest Library                                    want to look elsewhere. The 500TB Portable SSD prices
         Photoshop for Beginners – Attendees will learn         out at about $70 and $160 for 1TB. I will now be able to
         the basic of editing picture in Photoshop them make    carry larger files (video and photos) projects and training
         a Media Lab appointment to edit you own photos.        material along in my laptop bag.

         Vernon Area Public Library District                    The extras I mentioned are the SanDisk’s proprietary
         Photo Storage 101: Attendees will learn about two      SanDisk Access data encryption utility which is prein-
         options for saving space on your device: external      stalled. The software creates a password-protected
         hard drives and Google photos Topics will include      “vault” on your SSD.
         storage, organization and sharing. Participants must
         have a Gmail account and password.                     I’ve found that the SanDisk Portable SSD to be very fast
                                                                when it comes to transferring and saving data. It comes
         Grayslake Public Library
                                                                with two USB Type-C cables, on with a Type C and one
         Tech Time for Senior: Get personal coaching from       with a Type A end for your computer, that than an easy-
         a trained tech-savvy young adult on devices like       to-lose USB-C -to-A adapter. The unit is backward-
         smartphones or tablets. Bring your fully-charged
         devie and all your logons and passwords.               compatible with older USB spec. SanDisk offers one of
                                                                the longest (five-years) warranties found on any product

                                                                of its kind.

                                                                Why SSD?   NO MOVING PARTS!

         March 2020                                          10
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