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                                                                 JibJab can provide a good deal of entertainment
                                                                 and some truly original spendable creations. The
                                                                 “starring you” videos are especially fun, and young-
                                                                 er children will get a kick out of seeing their faces
                                                                 animated in such a way.
                                                                 Membership is just $18 per years and provides un-
                                                                 limited access for making and sharing video and e-
                                                                 cards. I’ve been using JibJab for several years and
                                                                 have been completely satisfied.

         By Jasmine Blue D’Katz

         JIB JAB was created by two Brooklyn-based broth-
         ers whose animated political piece featuring George
         Bush and Al Gore. You can now plug your friends of
         family’s faces into the disco or hula dance video and
         there’s fund to be had many times.  There is quite a
         bit of questionable content interspersed with the fam-    Wander the Web
         ily-friendly video cards and images. More than 170
         comedians, writers, artist, musicians and performers
         have created over 1,200 titles in the library and their
         creations run the gamut – from snarky and silly to     Mastering Android
         rude and crude for birthdays, holidays and more.       Learn how that supercomputer in your pocket or
                                                                purse can do more to improve your everyday life.
         The web allows you to view and share the humorous      The key to getting the most out of your very expen-
         video you create. Video e-cards (they call them        sive phone is an awareness of what it can do.
         Sendables) and photos can be shared. The main
         feature is the level of customization of the video you
         create. All you need to do is upload pictures of your   A Fresh Look at the World Around Us
         friends, family and even pets, to add to the video or   This classic podcast has been in production for near-
                                                                ly a decade, and it continues to enchant and inform.
         card and the site instantly renders your pics into an   If you like thought provoking ideas, this site is for
         animated piece. The finish product provides a lot of   you.

                                                                Puppies and Kittens to the Rescue
                                                                Come for the puppy webcam, or check in on the kit-
                                                                ten rescue cam. Then stay for everything else. This
                                                                site strives to be the world's largest nature network.

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