Page 6 - 2003
P. 6

sues. I was concerned about going at this time
         of year, however, so we abandoned that plan.
                                                                  Once I’d booked our flights on the Southwest
                                                                  web site and the car on the Costco Travel site,
                                                                  it was time to make our hotel selections, as
         Our third and final plan came courtesy of a
         Southwest Airlines sales email, which advertised         well as decide which city we would stay in first.
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         $49 one-way non-stop flights to select cities.           Once again, the internet provided an easy way
         From San Diego, these included mostly North-             to locate and price prospective hotels. This
         ern California, Nevada, and Arizona destina-             process can be quick, but to get the best pric-
         tions. We considered the Bay Area, but one of            ing, many iterations and a fair amount of time
         our last trips was to Napa. I was interested in          searching are necessary. My wife got to
         going to Sacramento, to see the California State         choose where we stayed in South Lake Ta-
         Railroad Museum, as well as destinations relat-          hoe, and for Sacramento, I looked to a hotel
         ed to the gold rush. My wife was more interested         chain we have used frequently, as I deter-
         in going to South Lake Tahoe, and I thought that         mined we could get one night free there
         would be OK as well. When I compared flight              through redeeming our accumulated points.
         prices, however, I found you could fly about
         once an hour all day to Sacramento for $49 with          Through web pricing comparisons, I found
         this sale, but the lowest price to fly to Reno/          both of our prospective hotels were less ex-
         Tahoe was $112 one way, with that price good             pensive for the first half of our trip
         only a couple of flights per day. I’d already com-       (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights) and
         pared days and found the lowest costs and                more expensive for the second half (Saturday,
         greatest availability were for flying mid-week, so       Sunday and Monday nights). This was not too
         I was targeting flying out on a Wednesday and            surprising. What was a surprise was that the
         returning on the following Tuesday.
                                                                  Sacramento hotel was only about 20% more in
                                                                  the second half of our trip, while for South
                                                                  Lake Tahoe the price doubled. Thus the inter-
         Frustrated with the large price difference be-
         tween going to Sacramento and Reno, I looked             net showed it would save us money to stay in
         at the map of where Southwest flies in order to          South Lake Tahoe first, and then in Sacramen-
         get other ideas and noticed that the distance be-        to for the last three nights (which is what I
         tween the two cities was not that great. With on-        thought would be best anyway). After looking
         ly a 2.5 hour drive to get from Sacramento to            at the South Lake Tahoe hotel my wife liked
         Reno, it made more economic sense to fly to              on a number of travel sites, I booked it on Ho-
         Sacramento, rent a car and then drive to Reno  , as it was as low there as anywhere
         (or South Lake Tahoe). I even found that renting         else, and I could earn hotel points on the site
         a car at the Sacramento airport was less expen-          for free future stays.
         sive than from the Reno airport. I didn’t shop
         around much for rental cars as I’d found over            There were still pricing games to be played
         many trips that Costco Travel always seems to            with the Sacramento hotel. I had previously
         offer the best prices on rental cars. Thus the           checked the hotel chain’s web site to deter-
         combination trip concept was born, where we              mine I had enough points for one free night
         would fly to and from Sacramento, but stay three         there, and it required the same number of
         nights there and three nights in South Lake Ta-          points regardless of the day of the week. For
         hoe. This allowed each of us to get what we              the two nights I would be paying for, it did mat-
         wanted, at a very low price.

         March 2020                                           6
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