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March 2020 “Members Helping Members” Volume 37, Issue 12
5G is Coming to a report by International Data Corporation. IDC
said that next year 5G handsets could account for
close to 10% of global volumes, which have been
hammered in recent years by consumers taking long-
By Jeff Wilkinson, President, Sun City Summerlin Com- er and longer to upgrade to new models.
puter Club
Driverless Cars and 5G Technology For autonomous
October 2019 issue, The Gigabyte Gazette
car technology to be unlocked, many experts agree that large-scale adoption of 5G is required.
clearmeadows11 (at)
If you’ve been following the news about 5G, you
5G is the designation for the upcoming fifth- know that it has the potential to significantly boost
generation cellular network technology. This tech- bandwidth up to 10 Gbits/sec. It also has sub-1-
nology, which had the standards set at the end of millisecond system latency paired with a considera-
2017, promises to bring faster speeds than the cur- ble reduction in power consumption over existing
rent 4G technology in use by most cell phones to- networks. 5G will enable a host of new applications
day. This technology will not only affect your cell in the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), vehicle-to-
phones, tablets, and laptops, but also the myriad of vehicle communication, virtual reality, and artificial
other connected devices such as door locks, auton- intelligence applications.
omous vehicles, security cameras, home applianc- Said Nokia’s Jane Rygaard in a recent interview with
es, and many more devices included in the IoT the BBC: “We need to look at how long it takes for
space – Internet of Things! the message to be transmitted between sensors and
then get to the computer in each car, and then how
long it takes for the computer to make a decision,
and all of this has to be in less time than a human
would take to make a decision—2 milliseconds. We
need a network supporting this, and 5G is that net-
Still, with self-driving features already in widespread
use, it does appear that fully autonomous cars will
appear on our roads, and perhaps sooner than peo-
It’s estimated that over 20 billion devices will be ple realize. Even more surprising, they will also be
connected to the internet by the end of 2020 up considered much safer than human-controlled vehi-
from the 6 Billion plus currently connected. The cles. The current 4G network is fast enough to online
promised latency (the delay in sending data from stream full HD content and play online games, but it
one point to the next) reduction of 5G is critical to can’t support safer and smarter autonomous cars.
the growth of driverless vehicles and many other Autonomous cars, systems require incredible data
applications. processing capabilities and speeds to mimic the tim-
Shipments of 5G smartphones will surge to more ing of human reflexes.
than 100 million units by the end of 2020 as the The rollout of 5G technology is likely to begin in high
coverage of 5G networks grows and the premium usage areas and will certainly experience some
prices of today's handsets come down, according growing pains but it is coming.
March 2020 1