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March 2020                                             let designed and produced by Asus and launched

         Hello, all                                             amid much fanfare in 2012.  It came in two flavors,
                                                                with 8GB of ROM or 16GB of ROM.  I remember
         If you buy a new car, you may be thinking of a long-   distinctly where I purchased mine – at a small Sta-
         term relationship; depending on how many miles         ples store in Delavan, WI.  It was hard to find the
         you drive each year, you could own that car for ten    Google tablet because the demand was so high,
         years or more.  Ditto for a new washing machine or     particularly for the 16GB model.  I snagged their
         new refrigerator.  But not so true with technology.    last 16GB tablet; as I was leaving the store another
         Hardware keeps changing, as does software, Wi-Fi,      eager buyer was just coming in – looking for the
         wireless and on and on.  We all face the constant      16GB model.
         attraction of new products that promise faster, small-
         er, newer innovation.  Unlike cars, washing ma-        I was delighted with it, for one year.  Then Google
         chines and refrigerators, new technology can be had    launched a redesigned model in 2013.  It looked the
         relatively cheaply – at least in some cases.           same, but here are the improvements they includ-
                                                                ed: (1) the display was enhanced, from 216 pixels
         So, when we hear about a new technology device or      per inch to 323 pixels per inch; (2) the processor
         piece of software, when should we take the plunge      was significantly upgraded to a Snapdragon chip
         and respond to the temptation to own it?  Become       clocked at 1.5GHz, versus the earlier Tegra 3
         an early adopter, or wait and let others be the pio-   clocked at 1.2GHz; (3) the RAM was doubled, from
         neers?                                                 1GB to 2 GB; the newer tablet offered a 5 megapix-

         I was reminded of this debate as I went through
         some of my older technology recently.  Does this                                            (Continued on page 4)
         device look familiar to you?

                                                                   L.C.A.C.E. elections are

                                                                           coming in April.

                                                                  Do your part, Volunteer

         It should; it was an iconic piece of hardware in its          to serve as a board
         day – the first Android tablet, hurried to market by
         Google in response to the launch of Apple’s first                       member.
         iPad in 2010.  It is the Google Nexus 7, a 7-inch tab-

         March 2020                                           3
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