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(Continued from page 3)
                                                                 Tech Trek
         el rear camera, while the 2012 model had no rear
         camera.  For all that, the price went up $30. Darn!  If
         I had only waited a year….

         To give you a sense of how much expectations can
         change in technology from year to year, consider this
         statement by the product reviewer (in 2013), when      President's Corner
         he was discussing RAM memory:  “While 1GB (in the      Part 1 - Planning and Booking
         2012 Nexus 7) is probably sufficient for most people,
         power users (emphasis mine) are going to love the      Author: Greg Skalka, President, Under the Com-
         extra speed that the additional 1 GB found in the      puter Hood UG, CA
         2013 Nexus 7 offers.”  (Now, it is not unusual to find   November 2020 issue, Drive Light
         3 GB of RAM in modestly priced tablets and 4GB in
         higher-end models.)                          
         Interestingly, Consumer Reports has recommended        president (at)
         the same new product waiting game – except in the
         case of automobiles.  As they point out, it may take a
         year or two for manufacturers to work out the bugs in   We all use a lot of technology in our everyday
         new models of an existing product line.  Based on      lives - various devices and services that make
         their experience cars produced in the third or fourth   our lives better. They help us communicate, keep
         years of a model run are more reliable and minor       us safe and well, inform us, get us where we
         annoyances have been corrected.                        want to go, get us the things we need and enter-
         The moral?  Don’t be in a hurry to embrace new         tain us. When we travel, we usually want to take
         technology.  Wait a year or two, until all the reviews   all those benefits along with us.
         are in and manufacturers have had time to fix bugs
         and/or hardware issues.  Even if the initial model
         turns out to be excellent, you may be able to buy it at   There are many travel-related capabilities in the
         a significant discount if you wait a few years.  (This   technology currently available to us. The travel
         has certainly worked out well for me in buying golf    industry, from transportation and lodging to hos-
         clubs!)                                                pitality and entertainment, has embraced the in-
         Think spring!  (After all, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t    ternet and mobile devices to make the traveler’s
         see his shadow, so we are supposed to have an ear-     life easier. There are lots of new ways to protect
         ly spring….)                                           ourselves while traveling and protect the home
         Phil                                                   and stuff we left behind. There are a lot of devic-
                                                                es we can take with us to enhance our traveling
                                                                experience and even save us money. All these
                                                                added capabilities carry a price, however, in add-
                                                                ed equipment to take, costs to buy and use, ad-
                                                                ditional restrictions to follow and additional risks
                                                                in loss.

                                                                Technology has become important in all aspects
                                                                of travel, occurring before, during and after the
                                                                trip. Selecting a destination, planning a trip, com-
                                                                paring costs and bookings components of the trip

         March 2020                                           4
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