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ter, as the cost could be different for each day      left to do before we traveled was to figure out
          of the week. I found our Saturday night stay          which tech devices to take along, and what
          would cost the most if purchased, so I made the       needed to be set up at home to protect our stuff
          points redemption reservation online for that         and make it look like we never left.
          night, and the paid nights (Sunday and Mon-
          day) were made on a separate online reserva-
          tion. Up to this point I’d made all of our travel
          arrangements online, but now I had to break
          down and call someone at the hotel to make
          sure I had selected the same room type in the
          two reservations (for points stay and paid stay)
          to be able to get the same room and not have
          to vacate between reservations. I didn’t trust
          that this would work out if all I did was send
          them an online message.

          Before making the final hotel reservations, I did
          look a bit at the hotel reviews online, to make                   Yvonne
          sure there were no problems mentioned repeat-
          edly, or a lot of unsatisfied guests. I also went
          on Google Maps and used Street View to look                     Mitchell
          at the area around the hotels to make sure they
          looked to be in safe neighborhoods. I learned
          this trick when booking hotels for the night of
          my wife’s company Christmas party. She works
          for a company based in Los Angeles but works
          remotely on her own in San Diego. She is al-
          ways invited to the company party, which is
          held in a nice restaurant in the LA area. Since I      Good turn out
          don’t know the restaurants or the area very            February 8, 2020
          well, we have to be cautious when looking for a
          hotel to stay at so we don’t have to drive back         Membership Chairperson
          that night. You can’t tell much from the Google        J.J. Johnson
          Maps satellite view, but street view will reveal if
          the building next to the prospective hotel is cov-      Members: 37/68%
          ered in gang graffiti, or the hotel has fortress-
          like barricades around it. Those are the ones I        Meeting Attendees: 25
          avoid.                                                  THANKS FOR JOINING

          We researched and booked a few things to do             THANKS FOR RENEWING
          on our trip through the web, like a boat ride on
          Lake Tahoe and bike rentals so we could ride           Donna Kalinoski
          the river trails in Sacramento. That completed         Barton & Diane Berndtsen
          all our travel arrangements. Now all that was
                                                                  THANKS FOR VISITING

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