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Smartphones Medical Information, Battery Hogs, And Cookies

                                                                 apps can also consume power when the phone is
                                                                 in your pocket. Basically you want to see numbers
         Q  . How do I show my medical information on my         that reflect how your phone is used. You should
             smartphone's lock screen?                           also keep an eye out for infrequently used apps
                                                                 that consume a lot of power.
         A  . Both Android and iPhone support storage of         One last tip: smartphones have a bat-tery saving
         personal medical information and emergency con-         mode that kicks in auto-matically when the battery
         tacts, accessible even when phones are locked. In       is almost empty. Try manually turning on low bat-
         an emergency, your phone can communicate vital          tery mode and test if the phone still meets your
         information to a first responder if you prepare it be-  needs. Depending on your habits, you may never
         forehand. Here is how:
                                                                 notice any dif-ference except that the battery lasts
         * On Android, the feature is called Emergency Infor-    a few more hours each day.
         mation and it can be set up. under About Phone >
         Emergency Information. Older ver-sions of Android       Q  . Why do all the sites I visit force me to
         may be different, see       acknowledge that it uses cookies? What are cook-
         android/ answer/9319337 for more.
         * For iPhone, the feature is called Medical ID. It is
         configured in the Health app by tapping on your pho-    A  . Cookies are small bits of data on your com-
         to and then . tapping on Medical Details. From there    puter that can identify who you are to a website.
         you can access several different screens to add ap-     Billons of advertising dollars depend on cookies
         propriate info. Also be sure to tum on the switch la-   and the modem web depends on them for every-
         beled Show on Lock Screen. See http s ://support.       thing from shopping carts to user preferences. for more.
                                                                 However, cookies are also a key part of controver-
         These settings vary depending on the model. Most        sial and troublesome online activities. This makes
         phones made in the last several years have some         them a focus for lawmakers who regulate the Inter-
         type of medical information functionality, but owners   net. Messages asking for permission to use cook-
         are often unaware of what is possible. Use this arti-   ies are mostly the result of regulations that require
         cle as a starting point to configure your cell phone    companies to explain how user information is man-
         properly for an emergency.                              aged.

                                                                 The rules and regulations that balance privacy with
         Q  . My smartphone battery no longer lasts all day.     convenience are a battleground. There is little
             How can I tell which apps use the most power?       agreement on what works and what does not. I ex-
                                                                 pect debates about how to best regulate the Inter-
         A  . Both Android and Apple phones track how            net will continue for decades. Ideas like user-
         much power each app con-sumes. To view the re-          consent, the right to forget, and user tracking via
         port on most Android 9 and 10 phones, tap Settings      cookies will be tested, refined, and per-haps dis-
           Battery  More  Battery Usage to see a list of all     carded.
         the apps on the phone and the power they used.          The bottom line is that everyone is a test subject.
         To view the report on an iPhone, tap Settings  Bat-     And unfortunately we are probably stuck with con-
         tery.                                                   fusing permission requests for a very long time.

         The goal is to empower you to choose which apps
         are worth the power they require. Power consump-
         tion is related to how frequently an app is used, but
         apps can also consume power when the phone is in

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