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I                                                      •  What operating systems are covered?   ·
             f you're like most people, you've spent more
                                                                   ered? Are there any restrictions on the types of
             time than you're willing to admit troubleshooting
                                                                   devices, brands or problems covered?
             a technology issue with any one of the many
             devices in your connected home. Did you know
         that the aver-age person owns at least 10 connect-     •  s the support provided unlimited? Is support
         ed devices from Macs and PCs, smartphones, tab-           available 24/7?
         lets and printers, to voice assistants, video door-
         bells and even home automation systems?                •  Are there monthly plans available or just annual
                                                                   plans? Are there set-up fees?
         As homes get "smarter" with more connected devic-
         es, more complex problems arise, including issues      •  Are there any guarantees if my issue can't be
         with setup, troubleshooting and syncing devices.          resolved. Can I cancel any time?
         Calling the manufacturer or going to the store where   •  Do I have access to support via phone and chat?
         you bought the device could help, if it's still under     Is online self-support available?
         warranty. Trying to diagnose and solve the problem
         yourself might work, if you have time, patience and    •  Can I schedule a time to have a tech support
         some know-how.                                            agent contact me?
         But what many people really need is an IT expert on    •  What do other customers say about the service?
         -call, ready to solve all their personal tech issues ...   Look for an affordable monthly or annual subscrip-
         but how realistic or afford-able is that?              tion plan that offers unlimited tech support for any
         "Subscribing to a technical support plan is actually   issue with your connected devices, regardless of the
         an increasingly popular option for consumers who       type of device, brand, or where you bought it. Plans
         want to keep their tech working 24/7. Many plans       can cost as low as $10 per month with no long-term
         provide a professional, remote, 'IT team' available    commitment. Find tech support providers with US-
         anytime you run into trouble. This can help keep       based support agents that offer a range of support
         costs low since the team resolves your tech issues     options, including phone, chat, or video-based
         by phone, chat or by virtually remoting into your de-  "virtual. house calls." You could even try the free self
         vice,"                                                 -support tools from Support.corn's TechSolutions or,
                                                                if you need more help, learn more about their tech.
         Googling "tech support" brings up numerous op-         support plans at
         tions that promise to solve your various tech prob-
         lems. With so many options, how do you know            Having a tech support plan with a highly qualified
         which ones are reliable?                               tech support provider is an efficient and smart way to
                                                                manage and maintain your technology
         Fraudulent tech support companies continue to get
         more sophisticated and difficult to detect, warns.                  Story courtesy of State Point
         "To find a trusted ·tech support provider, choose
         one with a long history and highly trained, profes-
         sional tech support agents,"                                          Free antivirus protection
         Here are some potential questions to ask while
         evaluating tech support providers:                                          that never quits

         •  How long has the company been in business?                       Powerful security for your digital life—made easy.
         •  Are the company and its agents US-based?

         •  Is there a limit to how many devices are cov-

         March 2020                                           8
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